Homecoming 2018 Important Information

Homecoming 2018 is quickly approaching for Beebe High School students, parents, and the faculty! Homecoming is set for Friday, September 28th, as the Badgers will take on conference rival Watson Chapel! 


During the week of August 27-31, the BHS Student Body voted for the 2018 Homecoming Royalty. We announced the 2018 Royalty on Friday, August 31st, but if you haven't heard here is out 2018 Homecoming Royalty! 

  • Freshman Maids: Joey Babel, Emily Bevill, and Allie Bivens
  • Sophomore Maids: Lea Michele Baker, Suzanne Bridges, and Zoe Wingfield
  • Junior Maids: Avery Goff, Molly Poe, and Haylee Songer
  • Senior Maids: Sydney Davis, Lexi Devore, and Riley Swafford
  • Homecoming Queen: Chloe Patterson

Congratulations to these fantastic students! 


Beebe High School would like to share with you important information regarding Homecoming 2018, including the theme for each day during spirit week, parade entry and permission forms, guidelines, schedule of events for Friday, September 28th, and dismissal/checkout procedures for students on Friday, September 28th. 


Spirit Week Theme Days:
(Dress Code Still Applies to all days) 


Monday - Pajama Day

Tuesday - Dress to Impress

Wednesday - Tropical Day

Thursday - Athletes vs. Mathletes

Friday - Red and White Day

Parade Entry & Permission Forms are available in the following locations:


High School Information Station (Outside the Beebe High Main Office)

Beebe High School Webpage

Beebe District Webpage (www.beebebadgers.org)

Beebe High School Social Media Accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Click on the form you need: Parade Entry & Permission Forms

Parade Entry Guidelines\r\n

Parade entries forms are due to Ann Pruitt at the Beebe High School Main Office by September 21. You can bring them to her in person or email her at ann.pruitt@badger.k12.ar.us.

Persons planning to enter a horse in the parade must turn in a copy of a negative coggins to Ann Pruitt at the Beebe High School Main Office

No bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, three wheelers/four wheelers, golf carts, ATV’s or motorcycles will be permitted

Students who are members of a club or extracurricular activity planning to participate in the parade must have a faculty sponsor.

Float entries must support the City of Beeble and/or Beebe Public Schools.

All entries must be decorated appropriately. Students with decorated cars or floats for the parade will be dismissed to the student parking lot after the pep rally.

Students must present their permission slip to their teacher or sponsor. Permission slips must be kept on students at all times.

All participants riding in a vehicle must be inside the cab, truck bed or riding on top of trailer. For safety purposes, participants may not ride with legs hanging off of a tailgate or trailer.

Candy should not be thrown while on campus.


Dismissal/Check Out Procedures for Friday


All students(with the exception of horse riders) must be in their 6th period class at 12:24 pm for roll call in order to be counted present for 6th - 8th periods.

Students entering horses in the parade will be dismissed at 11:00 to go pick up horses.

Students who check out before 6th period roll check will be counted absent 6th, 7th, and 8th periods that day.

Notes for students to checkout must be written and signed by a guardian with a phone number where that guardian can be reached.

Signed notes must be presented to the office at time of check out

The office will be making call-backs on phone calls and notes received by guardians.


Schedule (Friday, Sept. 28th)


12:45 P.M. – Pep Rally and Royalty Presentation

1:15 P.M. – Line Up for Parade

1:30-1:45 P.M– Parade will begin once everyone is in place after the pep rally.

3:10 P.M. - Buses will run at Regular Time

6:20 P.M – Pre-game Royalty Presentation

7:00 P.M. – Beebe Badger Football Game


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the BHS Main Office, at 501-882-5463!


